Song and Sister Mildred Neuzil’s Diary


The words to the song "Our Lady of America" were written by Sister Mildred Mary Neuzil herself under a moment of inspiration. These words were then set to music by Richard Paul Rencher, a Torchbearer of the Queen, and later recorded by Marty Rotella of Spirit Power Music in New Jersey. This song was sung by Mr. Rotella at Sister Mildred’s funeral Mass at the Basilica of the Shrine of Our Lady of Consolation in Carey, Ohio in January, 2000.

The song is copyrighted but permission is granted to download it for personal and non-commercial use.

We hope that this simple little song will become a heartfelt prayer for you to beg Our Lady of America, the Immaculate Virgin, Our Patroness, to deliver us, especially here in America, from the "culture of death" that is enveloping the whole world in such spiritual darkness, drawing so many into an abyss of evil, without God and without Mary’s loving, maternal care. Let it sing like a prayer in your hearts and rise to heaven for the conversion of America.

Song: "Our Lady of America"

Click here to download the song for personal use

Sister Mildred Neuzil’s Diary

This audio of Sister Mildred (Mary Ephrem) Neuzil’s complete 48-page original Diary is read by our Torchbearer of the Queen, Donna Mae Halsted, the artist/sculptress whom Sister Mildred Neuzil commissioned to do a refinement of her water color of Our Lady of America that was on the cover of the first two printings of her Diary in 1960 and 1971. According to Archbishop Paul F. Leibold, as long as these were printed as a private diary, not for official publication, they did not need an imprimatur nor a copyright notice.

The Diary was reprinted in 1989 and duly copyrighted as an unpublished work, along with the new messages of Our Lady of America to Sister Mildred after the death of Archbishop Leibold in 1972, messages that continued until 1984 and, therefore, could not be approved by him. The Diary was re-copyrighted in 1993 with Donna Mae’s refined image of Our Lady of America that is currently on the Diary. Donna Mae was also commissioned by Sister to do the statue of Our Lady of America for World Youth Day in Denver in 1993, several smaller statues that have traveled around the United States and throughout Europe and Asia on a Peace Flight, and the image of Our Lady of the Divine Indwelling, which is copyright protected.

With so great a favor to our country, it behooves us to seriously study, ponder and live these messages and to reform our lives through imitation of the simple virtues of the Holy Family and through union with the Indwelling Trinity by living in the state of sanctifying grace.

You may download the audio of Sister Mildred Neuzil’s Diary for personal and non-commercial use.

Sister Mildred Neuzil’s Diary:

Click here to download the Diary for personal use

(Please note: This file is very large and may take time to complete the download.)