The 68th Anniversary of "Our Lady of America"

From the beginning of time every prophecy, every vision,
throughout the centuries, will have its fulfillment in Our Lady of
America and her message of the Indwelling Trinity living in every soul,
which will renew the whole world and destroy Lucifer and all the evil
spirits in the fight he is making against the Indwelling Trinity. This will
eventually destroy him.

God's Precious Valentine
The Immaculate Conception and Our Redemption
September 11th and Our Lady of Sorrows
I Will Be With You Wherever You Are
Our Lady Called for Eucharistic Revival Over Forty Years Ago
What Is the Next Step Toward Enthronement of Our Lady of America in Her Shrine
Have We Lost Sight of the Ultimate Request of Our Lady
Thou Thyself Shall Be the Sign the Sign I Give to the World
Msgr. Arthur B. Calkin's Response to the Bishops' Study


We are saddened by the sudden death of one of our members on the Our Lady of America Devotion Board of Directors and are taking a temporary sabbatical to reorganize. You can still reach us at

Let us keep one another in prayer as we soon head into the Lenten season and the Passion of Christ, and that of His Holy Mother as well. We invite you to go to our previous newsletters, archived by year under What’s New and look for those dealing with Lenten themes and use them for meditation. God bless you.

Welcome to the original web site of the Our Lady of America Private Devotion, begun by the Contemplative Sisters themselves and maintained by faithful Catholics who knew the visionary, Sister Mildred Mary Neuzil, personally, and worked with the Sisters for over twenty years in promoting Our Lady’s messages. In addition to promoting this private devotion to Our Lady of America, we are dedicated to protecting the purity and integrity of the original 48 page Diary of messages as Our Lady gave them to Sister Mildred, and as Sister Mildred gave them to us.